Monday, December 13, 2010

Quilters' Circle - 13th December, 2010

Today was the last meeting of the Quilters' Circle before the neighbourhood house closes for the Christmas and New Year period.

Joy brought along some decorations to get us in the mood -

Her angel:
And her tree:

She also brought a table-cloth for our spread of eatables.

We had a little bit of show-and-tell. Vireya made these coasters after being inspired by the ones Marie showed us at our last meeting.

Joy showed us this small quilt which she recently found tucked away in a cupboard. It was her first foray into the world of half-square triangles, but she wasn't happy with it and put it away.
I should add that she didn't want me to photograph it, either. It doesn't quite lie flat, because all those bias edges made it hard to control. But we liked it, and it is fascinating to compare the fabrics available now with what quilters could buy then.

Not a lot of quilting work actually happened today - although Glennys did some stitching on this very cute reindeer who is going to become a Santa sack for her grand-daughter.

There was so much else to do; drink cups of tea, chat, share yummy eatables with the knitters, and read some of the many books and magazines people had brought along.

And on top of all that, all sorts of gifts and goodies were exchanged and displayed.

Some people have been very busy!

Marie made individual coasters for us, each featuring special fabrics relevant to the recipient. You can see a couple of them in the photo.

Vireya made a bunch of lavender handbags, from a pattern designed by Nicole Mallalieu. Some of them are in the photo, too.

The teacher of the patchwork group Marie and Marilyn attend made all her students a strawberry bag. I didn't get a photo of one, but here's a link to a blog post that shows what they look like, and has instructions for making your own. And here's another one, which uses metric measurements. The cathedral-window decoration and the tiny handbag were also made in that class.

Joy made some little sewing kits. Here's what one of them looked like inside:
And they all had different patchwork designs on the outside.

Well that's it for this year. We hope all our readers have a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. We will be back at the house on 24th January, 2011 (assuming the meeting days will be the same next year as this), but may get together between now and then. If we do, we'll report on it here.

See you next year!

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic blog and of course projects - just beautiful!
