We missed Joy who had to stay home waiting for a plumber who was due last Friday. Hope he didn't keep her waiting any longer!
Marilyn and Marie stitched down binding today. Marie almost finished the binding on her lovely 1930's hexagons:

The unusual arrangement gives a fresh look to the hexagons, and reminds me of molecule diagrams in chemistry. The quilt has been pieced and quilted by hand, and finished with a pieced binding. It's a cheerful quilt that makes me smile.
Here's another quilt using 1930's fabric Marie made recently:
Isn't that the most delightful baby quilt? Notice the "old-fashioned" toys in the centres of the blocks and at the corners of the outer border. I love the teal green sashing.
Vireya did some more appliqué on a Red Delicious block, and hopes to have something worth showing at our next meeting (which is only a week away).
Leigh came to visit and ask for some advice about the borders for her "bugs in bottles" quilt. The quilt is for her grand-daughter, who arrived a couple of weeks ago. Here it is so far:

Marie brought along this work-in-progress, which will be a cushion cover. It uses the same basic rectangle block used in the wedding quilt she made in September, but arranged differently:

Marie is not looking forward to putting in the zip, so we made a few suggestions for alternative fastenings. But whichever fastening is used, it will be a lovely cushion. The deep red and beige are a beautiful combination.
As I mentioned above, it is only one week until our next meeting on the 7th December. As this will be our last meeting for the year, we are planning to bring along a few quilt-friendly nibblies (ie nothing that will spill or stain) to celebrate a year of quilting and friendship. See you again then!