Dianne brought along the quilt she made in the "Patchwork by Machine" class at Sussex last term. She is up to binding the quilt, so the rest of us gave advice on various methods for attaching the binding.

Dianne also basted this cute quilt she is making for her grand-daughter:

Marie worked on quilting her 30s hexagons quilt. Here she is in action:

Marilyn has finished the short sashes on her quilt-as-you-go quilt. She laid it out with her cornerstones fabric to get the over-all picture, to help with making the final decision. Dark green, or something else? And yes, this photo is out of focus, which I didn't realise at the time. Sorry, Marilyn!

Marilyn also brought her first ever quilt to show us, complete with dolly demonstrator. The dolly looked very snug, but she didn't seem to want to go to sleep. Perhaps there was just too much excitement around her.

Valda popped in to show us this patchwork coat-hanger she was given some years ago. It is constructed of three rows of hexagons, all pieced from the same fabric, but with lighter ones along the top. We all marvelled that anyone would have the patience to make something like this which will spend its life covered with a garment and hidden in a wardrobe.

Vireya finished appliquing the snooker balls she was making last time.

In between all that, Leigh dropped in to discuss the border of a crazy quilt she is working on. I hope she brings it in to show us some time (hint, hint). We had a tea break and enjoyed chocolate biscuits provided by Marilyn, and lots of friendly conversation.
Our next meeting will be the 29th June; come along if you can.
Bye bye until then!
Vireya, I just had to come back and have another look. I am amazed at the wonderful work displayed here. There are some very talented people in your group.
Testing leaving a comment.
ReplyDeleteOK - comment leaving works from home, but not from Sussex. Sussex uses Internet Explorer, I'm using Firefox. Is that the reason it works for me, or is it something else?
ReplyDeleteOK, I tried from Internet Explorer and it didn't work - although I got a different error than I did at Sussex.
ReplyDeleteMy fault, I've now changed the settings so anyone can comment, including anonymous. Comments will be moderated via the Neighbourhood House quilters email address. Sue has the password for that so the blog won't fall down if I get hit by a bus:)The setting before had it so only "authors" could comment, or people with various forms of Google ID. I hope it's ok now.