Vireya brought along a quilt featuring triangles to be used as an example in the "Working with Triangles" course which starts on Wednesday. This lap quilt is a scrappy version of the friendship star, and normally lives on Vireya's couch.

The friendship star is quite a simple a 9-patch block, consisting of a plain square in the centre surrounded by eight "half-square triangle" squares. Each square has a light side and a dark side, although some medium fabrics appear as both light and dark depending on the fabric they are paired with. I like the lattice-like secondary pattern formed by the light triangles when the blocks are put together.
Vireya spent the time today doing some embroidery on the fan block she was appliquéing last time.

Joy did some appliqué for her Japanese quilt which we have seen parts of here before, and told us about the adventures with the medical profession she has had since last we met. We hope the next round goes well!
Marie was trimming quilt-as-you-go blocks featuring dogs. Here's a preview of how they will look when they are put together.

That's just a small sample of the blocks - there are about 60 blocks all together. Aren't there some very cute fabrics in that quilt? The variety of fabrics you can find on any given theme is amazing. As further evidence of that, Marie brought along some bug fabrics to add to Leigh's collection.
Marilyn sewed down binding on this placemat:

Our next meeting is the bonus 5th Monday in August, the 31st. If you can't join us in person between 1 and 3:30, come back here to see what we are all up to then.
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