Today was our bonus 5th-Monday meeting. We had a very quiet time in the house, as it seemed we were the only ones there.
Since our last meeting, Marie has made herself this lovely blue bag:

Joy brought along the Japanese quilt she is making. We have seen some of these blocks before, but this was the first time we have had the chance to see the whole thing.

This lovely quilt includes various dimensional elements that the photo doesn't show clearly. The design is Joy's adaptation of a pattern called "Japanese Collection" by Leesa Chandler, but Joy has replaced most of the original blocks with her own selections, inspired by a couple of books she owns of Japanese designs.

You may notice that a couple of corners of Joy's quilt are still to be done. In between doing our own sewing today, we enjoyed browsing through Joy's inspirational books, and making suggestions for how she could fill those last corners. Marie also brought along the latest edition of Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine for us to flip through.
You may remember that raffle quilt block kits were distributed
last week. Some of them have already been made and returned:

Our next meeting would be on 14th June, but the house will be closed for the Queen's Birthday holiday. So our next meeting at the house will be 28th June. Join us if you can.
Three of the Friendship Star blocks done already--that's great!