Monday, March 10, 2014

Neighbourhood House Quilt

This blog began back in 2009 with a post about the Coburg Saints, part of a community art project in 1992, which still hang in the house. In the background of the first photo of that post, there is a glimpse of another community art project, the Sussex Neighbourhood House Quilt. It is about time that quilt had its own blog post. Here's a better view of it:

The quilt has 28 blocks representing different groups associated with the house (made by members of the groups), blocks representing the values of the house (celebration, access for all, social interaction, and volunteering), and a large block in the centre with the Heart House logo:

The quilt was made in 2007, and finished in time for Neighbourhood House Week that year. The Moreland Leader published an article about it in their edition of 7th May, 2007:

Here are some closer views of a few of the blocks.
The Scrabble Group's block is a winner:

The Arabic Group's block features the word "peace" in Arabic:

The Yoga Group's block captures the essence of yoga:

And lastly, the Quilters' Circle block features lovely appliquéd quilters:


  1. Great to see this featured here after all these years--brings back fond memories of community and cooperation--thanks!

  2. Thank you Vireya for featuring our beautiful quilt
