Here's J in full efficiency mode, making up a string of half-square triangles for her centre block:

She has cut her squares, drawn her diagonals and stitched her 1/4 inch seams on either side, now it's time to cut the triangles apart ready for pressing.
We also had a quick look at Flying Geese which will be used for the final border of this sample block. By the end of the session there was one little goose ready. I'm sorry I didn't capture it on my phone camera. There are more photos on the Neighbourhood House camera.
On Wednesday nights the Neighbourhood House is absolutely full. There's our quilting class in the North Studio, a computer class next door and yoga in the Children's Centre. Our class seems to be the last to finish, so we get visitors from the other groups as they come out of their classes and pop in to see what we're up to. That just adds to the excitement, especially as there's usually some work ready to be admired by then.
it looks good. congrats to all the students... and the lovely teacher. :)