Today this sight greeted me as I arrived at the Quilters' Circle meeting:

The wonderful women of this group surprised me with these gifts and goodies because it is my birthday later this week. I was overwhelmed!
Here's what was hiding in those packages:

So many lovely things! Thank you everyone, for your friendship and thoughtfulness.
After all that excitement, we had something else new to look at. The Neighbourhood House is planning a raffle quilt featuring interlocking friendship stars, and we received our kits with the instructions:

Included is a piece of hand-dyed fabric which will feature in each block, and some paint-chips to guide our colour selections for the pieces we will supply ourselves. The plan is for the quilt to have a "coordinated-scrappy" look. We have about a month to make our blocks, after which the quilt will be assembled. It will be fascinating to see how it all comes together! Raffle tickets will be for sale in August, so stay tuned for details.
In between enjoying the afternoon-tea goodies, we all did some work on our own projects. Marie did some quilting, and here she is in action marking the quilting line:

That's actually a pencil, not a biro as it appears.
Joy worked on the next block in her Japanese quilt:

It will be a Japanese Crest featuring pine trees when complete.
Marilyn was cutting pieces for her next project, and brought along this lovely hexagon miniature quilt to show us:

This quilt was made by her sister. It is all done by hand, and features tiny fussy-cut hexagons in a Grandmother's Flower Garden pattern. It was interesting to see how she handled the edges - they are faced with a hexagon facing. Here's a close-up:

What a clever idea!
Vireya is still appliquéing cherries on the last of her Red Delicious blocks. Nearly done:

We are lucky that this month has 5 Mondays, so it is only one week until our next meeting. Hope to see you then.